
Just Cumbia Intermediate/Advanced Saturday

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $95.00.

SKU: SaturdayBachata-1-2-2-3 Category: Tags: , ,


Group class will focus on the things you need and want to learn from styling, technique, spins. body control, Isolations, footwork, lead and follow to make you a better, stronger and smarter dancer regardless of age. Dancing will help you live longer, be healthy, be confident and also the most important thing is have so much fun. Musicality and dance expression. Bringing dancers to the next level in no time.

Things to know: No partner necessary, we rotate. If you prefer not to rotate i would recommend private dance lessons it’s the fastest way to progress at the speed the you want. Please arrive 15 minutes. Stretch out. Don’t be late.